Raya tinggal bape hari je lagi..camno persiapan...da settle seme or masih lagi mencari2 yang dicari..
Hari nie ade pasar khamis...korang tau ker pasar khamis tu..pasar khamis tu pasar yang ade hanye hari khamis jer la..haha..lawak x...
..Jangan mare
Pasar khamis tu mmg ler murah dan banyak pilihan...konon2 nye hari nie aku nk halfday jerk...emmm..last2 terus full day xkeje...nie semua disebabkan pasar khamis tuh...(ade kene mengena ke ngan tajuk )
Tapi akhirnye aku dapat jugak sehelai ...alhamdulillah...walaupun bermandi peluh...hehe..husband blanje beli selai baju...syukur...belilah lagik...
Korang da beli kuih raye ker...buat???noooonooooo...no have time enough la...haiyoooo..seme tunjuk ulur kepala...tu je la...poket da makin nipis nie..lom lagi dgn duit raye...da ler xdpt advance ...sbabnye aku nie keje lom confirm2 lagik..pedih betul...korek tabung bg duit syiling je la...korang nak x duit syiling..
tp bg dua la ea..
oklah nie..janji korang dpt..dari korang xdpt terus..hua...hua..
Semua settle...wlupun 1 lagi aku lom beli...xpe2..mlm ghaye aku pi beli..korang tau ker ape...
tudung aku lom beli la...haha...xpe-xpe...ade mase beberapa hari lagik..
nak wish kt korang nie.............
Those two elements will produce one of the best vocal tone.
ReplyDeleteThe following exercise will help you to understand how
to use diaphragm to sing. If you are a bathroom singer who sings very happily when
you are alone but hesitate to show your talent in a crowd
of two or more people, just because your voice does not co operate with you
every time you try to sing, it makes you disturbed.
Also visit my website; learn to sing